The Fuel of Frustration

Teri Patterson
3 min readOct 26, 2020

The Fuel of Frustration

I had a very real “mom” moment…

My stepson, who’s 11, is notorious for being a boy! I know, you’re thinking… yeah…. he’s a boy. But this stepmom thing is newer to me and I have a girl who’s now in her early 20s.

And let me tell you… parenting boys are quite different!

I had asked him to put away his laundry, which includes folding it. And it all got shoved in the drawers.

Insert eye roll here.

He’s really a sweet boy but sometimes I just don’t understand his brain! Like when I asked him to put the dishes in the dishwasher and found a spoon in the sink.

His response: “you said dishes”

O.M.G!!! (A very real smack my forehead happened on that one!!!)

I began to think about frustrations we encounter in life. We come across them all the time. Some are little eye rolls like these parenting moments, some are bigger that cause that deep shaking belly fire!


What if this fire, this intense feeing from our frustrations could actually fuel us?

I’m beginning to think that maybe these frustrations we encounter create an opportunity for change.



Teri Patterson

Founder of Northstar Financial Coaching, Teri’s own money story of embarrassment and frustration sparked her passion to help other women find financial peace.